Saturday, September 20, 2014

Introduction - A Note from the Author

I was inspired by a friend of mine “Tales of an Avid Adventurer” to actually do something like this. The title of my blogpost is partly inspired by hers...or his I really shouldn't reveal who out of respect. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Manny. I am an enthusiast for reading biographical books on presidents or other world leaders (if they interest me). I love visiting museums or any place having to do with history whether it be local or national or perhaps in the near future international. My travels have thus far been limited to that of the east coast of the United States due to budget and circumstances (with the exception of my visits to Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 1999 and Houston, Texas in 2011). I hope that it will change once I am more established and secure in my finances.

This blog is intended to be record of important events in my life. The word “chronicle” has been defined by wikipedia as “a historical account of facts and events ranged in chronological order, as in a time line. Typically, equal weight is given for historically important events and local events, the purpose being the recording of events that occurred, seen from the perspective of the chronicler.” Hmm... maybe I should have used a different title for my blog post like “the perspective of the chronicler” or “the chronicler's perspective” or something like that. Anyways, that's not the point. To put it simply, it's my account of important events in my own life, whether it be meeting an author, politician, preachers, or other people in my estimation of renown or visiting a place of interest to me historical or otherwise, or even personal lessons in my own life.

I chose the term “avid student” because I see myself as just that... a student. Wikipedia states that a student “is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution” and other definitions seem to suggest that a “student” only attends an educational institution. While I presently (and sadly) do not attend any educational institution (although I hope to return the following year), I am presenting myself as a student of learning things not necessarily confined to a school. Now for the record, I have nothing against higher education. Having been a former college student, I loved every moment of my college experience. However, I see my myself as a person who is trying to gain knowledge either from the books I read, the people I have met and will meet, the experiences and challenges I have encountered and perhaps even overcome. Historian Evan Thomas (who I actually met earlier this year) stated in a New York Times article of an argument of an idea of who Robert F. Kennedy was that “He was always changing, goes the argument; he had an experiencing nature that led him to constantly reexamine and transform himself.” Whether that perception of Kennedy is true or false is not the point with me. The point is that that idea of RFK is who I want to be like. I want to be a person that continues to grow and never stops learning. I need to constantly “reexamine and transform” myself in order to be a better person and perhaps to be a better contributor to this society, which seems to be decaying all around us.

My intention is not merely to tell you where I have been and what I have done or accomplished. My responsibility is to share you what I have learned along with those events. It is my hope that throughout the course of writing these “chronicles” that I can impart something that can be of use to you either to know or maybe even make you better or make things bearable. I want you to laugh and rejoice with me in times of gladness and reflect with me in times that need reexamination and deeper understanding. I am by no means a teacher and have no great wisdom to impart to you. If you want to, come and take this journey with me to places I hope you'll visit, through dreams and aspirations, and meet people and see things through my eyes with these words. If you don't see any value in what I have typed, it is entirely the fault of the writer. If you've been patient with me thus far, thank you for time in reading this introduction. I haven't even begun to tell you even half about myself, but with time I hope you'll get to know me much better. Thanks for reading and until next time, I wish you well.

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